Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 9 (May 25, 2010)

The year 2010 will easily be recorded as the year of 'reconnecting' with Alumni. First the School reunion in February, then two class reunion get togethers in April. And just last Saturday, a 'mini reunion' with two class mates in the US.

As if this were not enough, I met another old student of my School - in New Jersey, of all places. Sonia was a classmate of my younger brother. But the fact is that we share the same Alma Mater.

I met Sonia and her husband Zubair over dinner. We recounted old times, and talked about our days in School, and about each other's lives in the present times. Sonia is a software sales manager, while Zubair is a Manufacturing Engineer.
It was great to see both of them working hard and prospering in the US.

Sonia rightly pointed out that in America, how much one prospers is a direct function of how much hard work he or she puts in. Nothing else matters. It does not take me any effort to believe that. I have seen enough examples to be convinced myself.

Seeing so many of my friends doing well makes me happy. They had a vision, a dream - and they made that dream a reality.

Their success story is indeed a lesson for others to emulate.

The penultimate day of my tour has come to an end. Tomorrow - its a long flight - a direct one from New Jersey to New Delhi. In fifteen hours I will be transported from one corner of the Globe to another.

Eight days have flown by. And now - can't wait to get home !

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